A Record of Conservative Action
As a life-long conservative, Tim Fleming has led the fight against the radical left in Georgia.
Fleming has even taken on Stacy Abrams – and won! Fleming oversaw Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s successful, come from behind campaign against the radically liberal Abrams.
As the former Chief of Staff to Governor Kemp, Fleming fought to secure the passage of the strongest pro-life law in the country and crushed the left’s attempts to keep Georgia shut down during the pandemic and force masks on us all.
Before his time in the Georgia Governor’s Office, Fleming served as Deputy Secretary of State within the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office. There, Fleming fought to have Stacy Abrams’ shady voter registration group investigated and championed Voter ID laws and secure elections.
Currently Fleming is a partner with Live Oak Public Strategies and owns a real estate investment company in Covington.
A lifelong resident of Newton County, Fleming served as a Newton County Commissioner from 2009 to 2013. During his time on the Commission, Fleming helped to steer Newton County through the Great Recession. He battled to stop tax increases, while still keeping law enforcement and vital services funded. Fleming holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Georgia. Fleming currently serves on the City of Covington Planning and Zoning Commission and is an active supporter of multiple local charities. Fleming resides in Covington with his wife, Lacey and three children, Jackson, Colby and Hannah. Fleming and his family are members of Covington First United Methodist Church.